August 16, 2009

How To Attract Beautiful Women - 5 Things You MUST Know To Be Successful

Not having any luck with the ladies? A lot of men struggle to attract beautiful women simply because the approach the situation wrong. You will find hundreds of articles on how to attract beautiful women written by men. These “hot tips” may work if you are rich and good looking, but most of us will feel the wrath of rejection. Here are 5 things you must know to be successful (ACCORDING TO WOMEN):

1. Be confident.

If you are even to afraid to speak to her, how do you think she will react? You got to lift your head, make eye contact and stop slouching. By being afraid of rejection you will get rejected. You got to believe in yourself, otherwise she won’t either. ( Just don’t get cocky!)

2. Be positive and smile

By smiling you indicate that you are happy. Happiness implies that you are positive. If you want to know how to attract beautiful women this is one of the most important things to remember. If her first impression of you is with a smile, you will definitely be in with a chance. (If you have a bad day and don’t feel like smiling, go home- You won’t have any luck)

3. Look good.

You won’t be interested in a woman who doesn’t take care of how she looks, why should she be interested in you if you are smelly, dirty and badly dressed? You don’t need to wear a thousand dollar suit (however it would be great if you could), but clean up, wear nice clothes and some cologne.

4. Be calm.

The secret to how to attract beautiful women is to remain calm. If you can remain calm under all circumstances, it is a sign of strength. Women don’t like a nervous, blabbering, jumpy kind of guy. Don’t let anything upset you to much. (it will just upset her even more!)

5. Be yourself.

(as long as yourself is not a scared, pessimistic, smelly nervous wreck)
Women are attracted to real men. Don’t be shy or deceitful when it comes to your passions. Rather be on top of your game and honest. This passion will show her you have emotions, which all girls adore, and you care.

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